NFA Purchase Policy
Once you have purchased an NFA Item through us directly or SilencerShop, we require the paperwork to be submitted within 30 days of our receipt of said item.
That means fingerprints done, registration type selected, paperwork signed, and eForm certified through SilencerShop. If you fail to get the item submitted (visible in your SilencerShop account) within the 30 days, you are subject to a storage fee of $25 per month until the item has been submitted.
There is no set time frame from the ATF on NFA wait times, so be aware it can take up to 15 months and beyond.
Form 4 Approval
Once we have an approved Form 4, you have 90 days to come take possession of the item. If you fail to meet the 90 day deadline, you will be charged a storage fee of $25 per month for up to a year after approval. You have one year after being notified of your Form 4 approval to come to the store and do your 4473 and pick up the item. If the NFA item has not been picked up within 12 months of approval you will forfeit your item as an abandonment. We are not a storage location.
Exceptions may apply if we are contacted and approved your specific circumstances.
NFA Denial Policy
In the event you are denied in the NFA process i.e. disapproved, returned without action, withdrawn or denial, you have 90 days to tell us how you plan to handle the situation. You must notify us what you plan to do with the NFA item after disapproved, returned without action, withdrawn or denial. After the 90 days, if you are appealing the denial, you have up to 2 years to reverse it and start the NFA process once more. After the 90 days, your item is subject to a $25 storage fee per month while not in process. After 2 years, if your NFA item is not in process and you are not actively trying to reverse your disapproval the item will be forfeit as an abandonment. Exceptions apply.